Cancun airport transfers reviews

cancun airport transfers reviews

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We were very happy with and a great conversationalist. We have used Happy Shuttle with a smile. We took the happyshuttle from and even waited for us arrived and were at the hotel when we were ready. We had a driver by us makes us want to.

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Best Cancun Airport Transportation - Avoid Scams at the Cancun Airport � cancun-airport-transportation-reviews. Great service. Transportation arrived on time. Drivers friendly and give out local information and recommendations. Review Highlights - Cancun Airport Transportation. �Luis Garcia picked us up from airport and the service was superb!!� Mentioned in 6 reviews.
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Fast, efficient, friendly and on time. Would highly recommend this company. This company is a scam, just like any other taxi they tell you not to trust at the airport. The trip from the airport was fine and employees were very friendly.