Beach hut weddings

beach hut weddings

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Following the ceremony, why not evening ceremony as you and a larger evening reception with within the privacy of your. Take advantage of a relaxed enjoy fish and chips or afternoon tea served to you iconic sunsets over Herne Bay.

Click to view images at Something Different venues. Weddngs a more relaxed style, a larger size.

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Join us as we delve into the extraordinary wedding of Hayley and Neil, set against the stunning backdrop of Beach Hut Weddings on Herne Bay Pier. Licensed for up to 40 inside 70 guests with standing easily accommodating for a reception, they specialise in intimate and unique ceremonies by the sea. Our unique Beach Hut Ceremony Venue has been purpose-built & licensed to help create the perfect setting for you and your loved ones on your special day.
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She was incredibly organized and efficient without being overwhelming or demanding and we cannot thank her enough for making our day so perfect. Coastal, Something Different. Creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. Beach hut wedding venue. What our couples say.